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Build Trust Within Your Team

In my last Motivation Monday blog, I invited you to consider your team’s composition and tendencies [1] as we began to explore Creating a Meeting of the Minds, Principle #4 in my book Work That Works.

Today, I encourage you to involve your teammates in this particular activity so you can learn to flex, or act outside of your own preferences to meet the needs of others, to support their diverse Emergenetics® preferences as well as utilize their strengths to work more effectively together.

Try one of my favorite exercises called the 3-2-1 at your next team meeting. Prior to getting together, ask your staff members to review the following three prompts and come prepared with answers to share with the group:

  1. Name three points from your Emergenetics Profile that align with your communication style.
  2. Share two points of your Profile to be aware of when working with others.
  3. What is the best way to communicate with you?

By understanding each other’s innate strengths as colleagues and identifying how best to interact and communicate, your team members will gain valuable knowledge they need to improve collaboration.

Moreover, your staff will walk away with tangible tips they can use to work through each other’s strengths, support one another’s needs and build the trust you need for successful teamwork.

For more tips on how to apply the principles in Work That Works, please fill out the form below to connect with a member of our team.