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The Brilliance Series: Convergent Thinking

The Brilliance Series invites you to take a closer look at the Emergenetics® Attributes. Whether you are craving more information about your own Profile or are interested in better understanding the preferences of others, the series will offer insights to shine a light on the genius of each Attribute.

Convergent Thinking Overview

When we describe a “Convergent” thinker at Emergenetics, we are referring to a person who has preferences for the Analytical [1] and Structural [2] Attributes. One expression that helps to illustrate this style is:

Make a plan and follow it.

Connecting the logic of the “Blue” or Analytical Attribute with the practicality of the “Green” or Structural Attribute, individuals who tend toward this style are often known for a methodical mindset that leads to efficient, useful conclusions.

Its Brilliances

A Convergent thinker who feels psychologically safe offers valuable gifts to their teams or organisations through their knack for:

A New Way to Think About This Combination

To offer further insights into the Convergent style, I created a short video, sharing a song that is likely to resonate with those who have Analytical and Structural preferences.

Motivating Convergent Thinkers

Empowering individuals to work to the best of their ability begins by finding ways to honour and engage their preferences. If you enjoy a Blue-Green approach, I encourage you to use the tips below to amplify your own motivation. For readers who may be collaborating with someone with a Convergent inclination, identify opportunities to integrate the practices into your interactions.

Flexing into Convergent Thinking

Those who do not have an Analytical or Structural preference can lean into the brilliances of these Attributes. Use the tactics below to flex into a Convergent style and promote an atmosphere where Blue-Green thinkers are celebrated.

While it may require some practise to apply a Convergent approach if it is not your natural inclination, it is well worth the effort. Taking steps to demonstrate your commitment to supporting Blue-Green thinkers will lead to a workplace where they feel respected and motivated to share their brilliant ideas and thoughts. That sort of environment will help everyone in the organisation to work more productively and positively.

Learn how you can curate a culture where each person can contribute their brilliances. Explore our website [3] or fill out the form below to chat with our team today!