performance management trends

I recently had the opportunity to deliver a keynote address at the annual conference for the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI). In the session, I spoke about many factors shaping the future of work as well as the value of taking a human-centric approach to help people and businesses thrive. 

In our rapidly evolving environment it’s clear that a traditional, one-size-fits-all approach to performance management is quickly becoming a thing of the past. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI), the presence of a multigenerational workforce and the increasing demand for personalization are guiding talent development and management professionals to adopt a dynamic, people-centric strategy.  

Let’s dive into these three trends and uncover how they’re reshaping the landscape of performance enablement. 

Embracing Artificial Intelligence to Empower Workforces 

Generative AI is more than just a technology. It’s a transformative movement that can be harnessed to empower teams. Understandably, there have been many headlines raising concerns about the number of jobs that will be lost to artificial intelligence and how it will change work. When companies use AI responsibly it will unleash the abilities of our people and open doors so that they can engage in more imaginative, complex endeavors.   

The World Economic Forum identified a list of the top talents employees will need to navigate the disruptions caused by AI and take on the job functions of tomorrow. Technical skills only make up 2 of the top 10. The rest are all distinctly human capabilities, including active learning, creativity, leadership and influence, reasoning and resiliency. 

As AI undertakes the repetitive aspects of many jobs, employees have the chance to sharpen their problem-solving and innovation capacities, which will help organizations stay at the forefront of a technology-driven landscape. Leaders in talent management and performance improvement will better position their companies for success by ensuring that reskilling and upskilling initiatives empower individuals with people-centric, soft skills.  

Leveraging Multigenerational Teams to Optimize Outcomes 

We currently have five generations in the workforce, each contributing their own sets of values and strengths. Traditionalists are known for their loyalty and discipline. Baby Boomers bring experience and a driving work ethic. Gen Xers have a strong capacity to set boundaries and expectations. Millennials have a knack for using purpose to drive results, and Gen Z embraces technology and flexibility.  

Yet only 6% of organizations strongly agree that their leaders are equipped to effectively direct a multigenerational workforce. I imagine that many businesses that are challenged to harness the power of each generation are still operating in more traditional, hierarchical structures and are not finding ways to effectively build cohesion across their organizations. In doing so, they are missing out on the productivity gains that come from embracing multiple perspectives. 

Organizations that don’t use the strengths of their diverse workforce may also find themselves struggling to hire. Gen Z employees are looking to make an impact. They want to build new skills, take on challenges and have their ideas heard. In the process, they are inviting leaders to rethink how they can better engage all team members. By creating a culture where every employee is valued and their perspectives are listened to, businesses will unlock the collective brilliance of multigenerational teams, propelling innovation and efficiency. 

Using Personalization to Advance Employee Development 

While mass personalization originally focused on enhancing customer experiences, it’s gaining steam in workforce engagement and performance. Perhaps the most obvious example comes from the ongoing debate about workplace flexibility and hybrid environments. Although many organizations are pushing for on-site operations, studies have shown that staff with full schedule flexibility report 29% higher productivity than those without.  

When employees can operate in a way that best supports their individual work styles, it boosts performance and motivation. This concept extends well beyond having control over their calendars. Personnel are increasingly seeking out organizational cultures whose values match their own, and when it comes to performance improvement, 91% of employees are asking for personalized, relevant training. 

Organizations that are responsive to their people’s needs and interests will be better positioned to engage and retain their people. With the help of AI and analytics, tailored employee experiences are more achievable than ever. Paired with assessment tools like the Emergenetics® Profile, talent management professionals can build custom learning journeys that meet the developmental goals of staff as well as the organization, thereby cultivating a highly competent and motivated workforce. 

Building a Culture for Continuous Improvement 

The importance of nurturing a people-centric culture cannot be overstated in this time of rapid technological progress and ever-changing workplace dynamics. To embrace human-centricity, it’s time for leaders to reassess operational models. Transitioning from rigid, hierarchical structures to collaborative, inclusive ecosystems will empower individuals across all levels to take the initiative and influence outcomes. This shift will promote a culture of innovation, where every voice is heard, and each person is encouraged and able to contribute their best work.  

As leaders position their organizations to respond to these transformative trends, it’s vital that performance management strategies center on people. Equipping employees with the necessary skills to thrive in an AI-enhanced workplace, valuing the diversity of multigenerational teams and tailoring the employee experience will allow executives to unlock new levels of achievement, engagement and creativity. 

Discover how Emergenetics can help you cultivate a people-centric culture. Explore our website or fill out the form below to speak with one of our team members today. 


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