Managers have the potential to make a significant impact—both positive and adverse —on their employees and the success of their company. The great ones are capable of inspiring and bringing out the best in their people, increasing productivity and retention.

According to a study of more than 5,000 employees, those with a high level of confidence in their company’s senior leadership are five times more likely to remain with their employer for more than two years compared to employees with no confidence. Another survey reports that 44 percent of workers have left a job because of a bad manager.

So, what is the secret to being an effective leader of people? What sets the great ones apart? Whether you are interested in your own improvement today, seeking to become a manager in the future or helping others in your organization develop their leadership skills, here are some qualities to consider, and ways Emergenetics® can support your growth. Great managers:

1. Set clear expectations.

To achieve goals, employees need to know what success looks like. Effective supervisors are transparent with their people about their vision and priorities and hold regular check-ins both formally and informally to assess progress and address questions.

2. Empower their employees.

By creating a psychologically safe environment that allows employees to voice their concerns, ask questions and make decisions on their own, job satisfaction increases and performance improves.

Using Emergenetics solutions like our Profile, workshops and supporting tools, enables managers to better understand the needs of different Thinking and Behavioral Attributes and discover how to create an environment that celebrates cognitive diversity. When employees are encouraged in this way, their true and best selves emerge.

3. Adapt to the needs of individual team members.

Everyone brings a different set of skills to their job. A top-notch manager not only has a read on their own preferred working style; they also take the time to understand and adapt their approach for each person they lead or collaborate with.

When managers and team members know how others prefer to think and behave, they can adjust their interactions in a way that speaks to each individual. From coaching to learning and development plans, the Profile can be a guide to better connect with your people.

4. Ask for insight.

Successful managers recognize that they haven’t gotten where they are without the help and support of others. By bringing together a team to process or determine solutions, employees feel heard and leaders benefit from the ideas and opinions of others.

More workplaces are recognizing the benefits of cognitive diversity. When you engage multiple viewpoints, it’s easier to steer clear of groupthink and embrace creative thought that leads to innovation. Use the Emergenetics Profile to create a “WEteam” or Whole Emergenetics team, where all of the Thinking and Behavioral Attributes are represented, to foster this creativity.

5. Communicate well.

According to one survey, 91 percent of employees say their bosses lack communication skills. This soft skill and others like problem solving and teamwork are important to a manager’s success, as they help you to build strong relationships.

The intent-impact gap is one example of how communication can break down. Although you may think you are clearly articulating your thoughts, they may be misinterpreted by another individual. Using a tool like the Emergenetics Profile can close this gap by helping you understand how to communicate based on your colleague’s preferred ways of thinking and behaving.

6. Listen.

Good communication requires a balance between talking and actively listening. According to this study, 88 percent of employees value managers who listen; however, only 60 percent of employees report having this experience.

Show your employees that they are being heard by following up with their suggestions, questions or concerns in a timely manner—even if the decision is to take no action.

The impact of a high-performing manager should not be underestimated. Beyond their potential impact on employee retention, one analysis shows that the average organization loses more than one million dollars per year in untapped potential because of less-than-optimal leadership practices. Strengthening your employees’ skills can be a game changer for the success of your company.

As you consider these six characteristics of skillful managers, I invite you to identify which actions come naturally and where there might be opportunities to work through your strengths to build skill.

To learn more about Emergenetics’ solutions and how we can support your leadership journey, fill out the form below.

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