Recently I had the pleasure of participating in an Emergenetics Meeting of the Minds and Emergenetics Certification in Denver, Colorado. Being a part of the certification was an eye opening experience for me because I realized that many of the social boundaries set in place by the education systems and business norms that I have been exposed to can be broken down by Emergenetics and replaced with social collaboration.
At the risk of sounding like an advertisement for Emergenetics (although, if you haven’t taken the Profile yet… you should!) the Emergenetics Profile in both your personal and professional life not only promotes self awareness to enhance daily life, but also takes meaning away from words like “wrong” or “right” through the acknowledgement of personal preferences. And with this, these preferences should be seen as a powerful lens to focus energy through. So, with Emergenetics you will not only be more likely develop effective leadership and work skills, but you will be happier and more comfortable thinking the way you are naturally built to think. AND you will be more successful because of it.
This is the culture in Emergenetics, where your daily behaviors and interactions between one another are understood to be heavily influenced by your genetic build up and life experiences. It’s a celebration of how you think and who you are, while giving you the chance to better yourself through your unique thought process and your own role in a team.
This became very apparent to me in certification. People from all over the world were joined in one room to recognize and promote their many different ways of thinking and behaving, and to learn how to share this within their networks. This was not a work event, (although many participants were completing their certification to bring Emergenetics to their company), instead it was a gathering that embraced all diversity and ended with the group becoming extremely interconnected, friendly, and a well-functioning team… I know… typical red brain observation!
After only being a part of this company for less than three months, I already feel very much a part of the Emergenetics family. And, after a week of certification, I understand more about myself and have a greater sense of self awareness than I ever have before, while feeling more courageous in the workplace. I have learned to embrace my thinking style and use it to my advantage and the advantage of my team. I have preferences in Structural, Social and Conceptual thinking. This means that I tend to flow between three different preferences in thinking, sometimes incorporating them all, while at other times, I may be feeling a little bit torn on which decision to take. How can I incorporate this at work? I have the ability to see from a number of different perspectives, which means that I can help to bring a connection between other members in the team, while maintaining a strong role as a team member.
Human beings are genetically built to have specific behavioral and intellectual qualities. This, along with life influences that shape us and how we function are a major component of who we are. Understanding this about yourself and your coworkers and bringing this to your professional life will foster a whole new perception on social collaboration in the work place, and will provide a clearer form of communication throughout the office.